Tällainen "perussininen" tai "taivaansininen" ei kuulu millään tavalla lempiväreihini eikä oikeastaan edes sovi meidän kalpeille lapsille, mutta pakkohan noin hyvin visioitu tilaus oli toteuttaa! Poikaparka vaan ehti aika monta kertaa kysellä paitansa perään, koska tilasin kankaat siskoni osoitteeseen Suomeen ja hän sitten postitti ne sieltä tänne Australiaan. Mutta voi sitä riemua kun paita vihdoin valmistui!

[Kankaat: Ikasyr, Kaava: Oma]

Our son finally got the helicopter shirt he "ordered" a long time ago; he's been asking for it many, many times! This was a fun sewing project in that he noticed the fabric when I was browsing Ikasyr's website and even noticed the striped fabric next to it, envisioning: "I want a helicopter shirt! The helicopters could be here on my belly, and on the back there would be some stripes!"
This "basic" or "sky blue" is not exactly one of my favorite colors, and doesn't even go too well on our pale kids, but of course I had to fulfill such a specific order! The poor boy had to ask for the shirt quite a few times, because I ordered the fabrics to my sister in Finland, and she then forwarded them to Australia. But he was ecstatic when the shirt was finally done!
... and when his big sister noticed how happy he was of his new helicopter shirt, she of course needed her own one, too!
[Fabrics: Ikasyr, Pattern: My own]
Nää on tosi ihanat!! :)